Understanding the Chakras
Across all traditions, we believe that life-force energy flows through the body. Some traditions call the energy ‘chi’, some have named it as ‘prana’, and Dr. Wilhelm Reich and his followers call it as orgone energy. Orgone energy was discovered in the 1930s and Dr. Reich identified it to be a powerful force that has positive healing effects on all living beings.
Orgonites are modern-day devices that have been designed to generate positive orgone energy and heal people. The healing of orgonite is not just limited to the physical plane, but mental, emotional, and spiritual healing are also provided. With the right mix of orgonite crystal, metal, and other materials, orgonite devices generate positive vibrations and orgone energy.
Life-force energy, or orgone energy, flows through energy focal points in our body, called Chakras. There are 7 chakras in our body and each chakra is directly associated with the proper functioning of certain body parts and organs. It is, therefore, important that the chakras are in balance to ensure that there are no blockages that prevent energy flow. Orgonite crystal devices and orgone energy ensure that all energy blockages are removed.
The chakras in our body start from the Root Chakra and end at the Crown Chakra. Each chakra is important as they play their part in ensuring our holistic well-being. With the right orgonite devices, we can heal and clear energy blockages from either any one or all of the chakras. This is one of the major reasons why orgonite crystal devices are one of the most sought after devices.
All About the 7 Chakras
- Root Chakra - Also known as Mooladhara, this chakra helps us stay grounded. One of the best properties of the Root Chakra is that it helps us be resourceful, courageous, and develop the qualities of perseverance.
- Sacral Chakra - Also known as Svadhisthana, this chakra is where your emotions of passion and pleasure reside. The chakra is located in the pelvic region and is the second of your chakras. All emotions and feelings like sensuality, pleasure, intimacy, connection, and others originate from this chakra point.
- Solar Plexus Chakra - Called Manipura, this chakra determines how we are, our ego, personality, and identity. This chakra also helps us cultivate qualities like responsibility, confidence, reliability, and willpower.
- Heart Chakra - Known as Anahata, the Heart Chakra represents love, warmth, joy, and compassion. It stands for qualities like healthy bond with others, compassion, kindness, sharing, self-love, respect, and generosity.
- Throat Chakra - Also known as Vishuddha, the Throat Chakra inspires you to speak the truth always and be frank in all your dealings. Vishuddha also helps you in seeking knowledge that is true and factual.
- Third Eye Chakra - Also known as Agna, this chakra stands for the all-seeing Third Eye. It helps in opening your mind to a higher level. It helps you connect with the inner and outer worlds and keep your thoughts clear.
- Crown Chakra - Also known as Sahasraara, the Crown chakra located at the crown of your head, which is the topmost part of your body. Sahasraara is the connection between you, the Universe, and the Divine, helping you realize that nothing is independent in this world and true harmony can only be achieved by staying connected.
At Orgonite Crystals, you can shop for authentic orgonite crystal devices, crystal devices, and many more products. All our orgonite crystals and products are handmade and infused with positive energy. Shop from us now!